Italian Law Articles
Conversion of residence permit from waiting citizenship to work
The Decree n. 394/1999 from the President of the Italian Republic establishes in article 11, paragraph 1, letter c) that "A residency permit (permesso di...
Foreign citizen living in Italy: which law regulates your inheritance?
It can happen that a foreign citizen find themselves in a foreign country at the time of their death. This country could be Italy. Let us analyze the...
La procura redatta all’estero: a chi rivolgersi per ottenerla e
Molto spesso quando si vive in Paesi esteri si è impossibilitati a tornare in Italia per compiere degli atti ed è necessario far ricorso allo strumento della...
Contract Law and Contract Formation in Common Law
Contract Law is the body of law which regulates legal rights and remedies resulting from contracts among individuals and/or companies. Contract law is part...