Apply in Italy Jure Sanguinis (JS)

There’s nothing quite like getting your Italian citizenship in Italy. Experiencing the culture and rediscovering your heritage is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. And in today’s remote world, it’s more accessible now than it ever has been.

Applying in Italy is typically the fastest way to get your Italian citizenship. And we’re here to guide you through the entire process.

Sunny Italian street with potted plants and white buildings.

Full-service support, down to the smallest detail

Not everyone can pick up and move to Italy to get their Italian dual citizenship…

But why can’t you?

With years of experience and a 100% successful citizenship recognition rate, we’ve streamlined both the technical process of applying in Italy as well as the experience of moving and living here.

From gathering and preparing documents to finding a place to live to being fully recognized as an Italian citizen, we’ll be your trusted guide every step of the way.

Don’t get us wrong… There will be speed bumps along the way. Every case has them. We’ll make sure you’re prepared for every step and fully understand what to expect.

It’s an adventure. And it’s one you won’t regret.

Our service includes:

  • Comprehensive evaluation of your entire case
  • Meticulous document review & certified translations
  • Rental home locator & residency establishment
  • Application submission & appointment interpretation
  • Spouse residency permit application
  • Local & regional guides
  • Italian passport obtainment
Check Your Eligibility

Your Italian citizenship is only a few steps away

  1. Confirm your eligibility

    Confirm your eligibility and find the most advantageous path to acquire your Italian citizenship.

  2. Gather your documents

    Collect and prepare all the documents for your citizenship application (or let us do it for you).

  3. Apply for recognition

    Leave the bureaucracy up to us as we initiate the legal proceedings for your specific case.

  4. Receive your passport

    Live out your Italian dreams without limits, all thanks to your new Italian citizenship.

How jure sanguinis works...

Obtaining Italian dual citizenship by descent—also known as jure sanguinis—is a process that allows individuals with Italian ancestors to become Italian citizens. This process is incredibly complex and time-consuming.

It’s also very rewarding. An Italian passport is waiting for you at the end, giving you full freedom to travel, live, and work anywhere in the European Union.

Here’s a general overview of the steps involved in obtaining your citizenship through jure sanguinis.

Step 1: Confirm your eligibility

While Italy has one of the widest windows of opportunity in the world for citizenship through ancestry, it’s important to determine if you meet the eligibility requirements. At the most basic level, eligibility is typically based on these criteria:

  1. You must have at least one Italian ancestor (parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, etc.) who was an Italian citizen
  2. The Italian ancestor’s citizenship was not renounced before the birth of the next person in line, and so on for your entire family line
  3. The lineage has been passed down through generations without any interruptions, such as naturalizations or other actions that could break the chain

It’s important to understand these are the basic criteria. There are specific edge cases that may disqualify you or require a different means of obtaining your Italian citizenship, such as 1948 cases.

Use our Italian citizenship eligibility quiz to determine which paths to citizenship are open to you.

Step 2: Gather your documents

You’ll need to collect a variety of legal documents to prove your eligibility, including official birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, and other records related to your Italian ancestors. This can be a time-consuming process that can include months and even years of research, depending on your lineage.

During this process, it’s essential to verify the Italian citizenship of your ancestors. You may need to obtain records from Italian consulates or the Italian government to confirm their citizenship status. Some common documents to request include birth records, marriage records, and naturalization records to verify there was no renunciation.

Any documents non-Italian will need to be translated by a certified translator. Additionally, your documents will need to be apostilled or legalized by the appropriate authorities, depending on the requirements of your home country.

Step 3: Apply for recognition

Once you have all the necessary documentation, you can apply for recognition of Italian citizenship. this can be done at your designated Italian consulate or embassy, or in Italy through a comune—the equivalent of a local town hall.

The application process varies depending on where you apply, even from one consulate to another. If applying through a consulate, you’ll want to confirm their specific requirements and procedures and then schedule an appoint. Depending on your consulate, the earliest available appointments are often 2-5 years out, if they are offering them at all.

At your appointment, whether at a consulate or in Italy, you’ll submit all the documents, application forms, and pay any required fees.

The processing time varies by each consulate or comune. It can range from several months to several years for your application to be reviewed and approved.

In almost all cases, applying in Italy significantly reduces the time to recognition—usually months, not years. This is due to several factors. First, applying in Italy only requires in-line documents so there are fewer documents to retrieve and process. Second, the consulates are processing hundreds of applications simultaneously, while comuni typically only process a few at a time.

Step 4: Receive your Italian passport

Once your application is approved—congratulations! You can now apply for your Italian passport and identity card. If yo uare married, this now also opens the door for your spouse to obtain their Italian citizenship through jure matrimonii.

The process of obtaining dual Italian citizenship by descent can be complex. Legal assistance is often advisable, especially if you encounter any challenges during the application process. It’s also important to note that the specific requirements and procedures may change over time, so it’s essential to stay updated on the latest information and guidelines.

This general overview of the jure sanguinis process gives you an idea of the steps involved, however it’s essential to understand that each case is different and the slightest nuance can change the direction of an application. We’re here to help you determine eligibility and navigate the entire journey to dual Italian dual citizenship.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some common questions we get about Apply in Italy Jure Sanguinis (JS). Don't see your question? No problem.

Get In Touch
  • Am I eligible?

    We created an Italian citizenship eligibility quiz to answer exactly that question. After completing it, you’ll know exactly what your next steps are in your citizenship process.

  • How much does it cost?

    The price for full-service citizenship assistance depends on which way you apply. The fastest way to get a quote is to start with our eligibility quiz. That will get us all on the same page with what options are available to us and what’s left to do.

  • Can you guarantee citizenship?

    We told you we’d be honest with you. No, we can’t. Because nobody can. And this is why we have a 100% successful recognition rate.

    Not only is every case different, every comune and every deciding official is different. To overcome this, we review every single aspect of every single case in meticulous detail to ensure that any roadblocks are sorted out before you apply.

  • How long does the process take?

    The length of time varies depending on how you’re applying (Apply In Italy, 1948, Against-The-Queue). Because of the nature of the process, it’s impossible to quote a specific timeframe.

    Apply In Italy is typically the fastest option.

  • Can I travel during the process?

    Once your residency is fully established, you’re able to travel. You must continue to maintain residency in the comune until you are recognized as an Italian citizen.

  • Can I apply from my country?

    We offer full-service Italian citizenship support for 1948 cases and Against-The-Queue filings in several countries. If you’re eligible for one of these methods, we’d love to help you.

    You can also apply through the Italian consulate you’re zoned for. While we don’t offer direct support for consulate filings, we can assist you with document retrieval. It’s also important to know that consulate filings typically take the longest, if they’re available to you at all.

  • Can you help me DIY?

    We’re happy to help with parts of the process! Especially the difficult ones such as document retrieval or getting documents translated into Italian.

    We don’t offer DIY consulting services so we can fully dedicate our time to clients who need our assistance for the entire process.

We promise every client...

Packaged Services

These services are often packaged together as part of the Apply in Italy Jure Sanguinis (JS) service. Feel free to explore each one for more details.

Available Locations

We offer Apply in Italy Jure Sanguinis (JS) for citizens or residents of the following locations.

Related Services

Here are some additional services that are popular with clients using our Apply in Italy Jure Sanguinis (JS) services.

Not sure where to start?

Our eligibility quiz is the perfect starting point to know your exact next steps in your citizenship process. You can start there or contact us with questions about any of our services.