Leases for Italy Digital Nomad Visa

The hardest part of applying for the Italy Digital Nomad Visa (DNV) is providing a fully authorized and legally registered lease. This is one of the required documents that you must bring to your visa appointment at the consulate.

Finding rental properties in Italy is already difficult when you’re in the country, much less when you’re doing it remotely from your home country. Before you book trips to search for rentals and jump through hoops, let us help you make the process easier.

Find a lease for your Italy Digital Nomad Visa application

The process of finding, negotiating, and registering a lease in Italy is not for the faint of heart. Most rental properties (and especially the best deals) aren’t usually listed online. Which means it comes down to boots-on-the-ground research and word of mouth.

Once you find a good option, the negotiation process can be very difficult and time-consuming. Most leases in Italy last for four years, so finding a landlord willing to negotiate for a one-year lease is another major hurdle.

Then after all the details are agreed upon, the lease must be registered with the Agenzia delle Entrate. This registration confirmation is the document required for your visa appointment.

And to top it all off, all this has to happen before your visa is even approved.

We’ve been working with Italian rental property owners for years as part of our Italian citizenship assistance services. We’ve built a network of properties and property owners that we can tap into to get you a favorable lease for your digital nomad visa application.

Our service includes:

  • Rental property location
  • Lease negotiation
  • Registration documentation
  • Full process guidance
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Frequently asked questions

Here are some common questions we get about Leases for Italy Digital Nomad Visa. Don't see your question? No problem.

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  • Do I need a codice fiscale?

    It is very likely that you will need a codice fiscale—an Italian tax code—to finalize the lease for your Italy Digital Nomad Visa.

  • How do I get a codice fiscale?

    You can apply for a codice fiscale at your Italian consulate, or we can assist you in obtaining it in Italy. If your lease requires you to be physically present to sign, we can coordinate obtaining your codice fiscale in the same trip.

  • Do I need to be in Italy to sign the lease?

    It depends on the landlord. We work to negotiate having the lease signed remotely, however it’s not always possible in all cases.

  • How long does the lease have to be?

    The lease must cover the entire length of your visa (one year).

  • Can I move after I arrive in Italy?

    It may be possible to move after you arrive in Italy. Verify this with your consulate at the time of your appointment.

Packaged Services

These services are often packaged together as part of the Leases for Italy Digital Nomad Visa service. Feel free to explore each one for more details.

Available Countries

We offer Leases for Italy Digital Nomad Visa for citizens or residents of the following countries.

Available Regions

We offer Leases for Italy Digital Nomad Visa in the following regions of Italy.

Not sure where to start?

Our eligibility quiz is the perfect starting point to know your exact next steps in your citizenship process. You can start there or contact us with questions about any of our services.