How to proceed with the application for Italian citizenship?

Many people have a desire to acquire Italian citizenship for several reasons. The love these people have for Italy is a wonderful thing. As a Qualified...
Italian Citizenship
10 April, 2020

Federico V

Many people have a desire to acquire Italian citizenship for several reasons.

The love these people have for Italy is a wonderful thing.

As a Qualified Lawyer, I have a duty to give you some advice.

Very often, you decide to start this path yourself and this is a mistake especially if you don’t know the Italian Law, the Italian burocracy and don’t speak the Italian language well.

I recommend you to be followed by qualified and not improvised providers. Make sure of their skills and that they are really qualified because many people say they have the necessary skills and instead don’t know what to do and you will have spent money badly and with the risk of losing them without reaching your goal.

Choose a Comune (municipality) in which the Officers are kind, helpful and experts in the subject and in which you could live well.

You immediately request the Codice Fiscale (Italian tax code) as soon as you arrive in Italy.

Look for an apartment in a well served area of the city and pay attention to the economic demands of the rents of the houses. Always compare house prices with those located nearby.

Before moving to Italy make sure with the help of the provider you have chosen that the American documents equipped with apostille are correct and that no changes are needed afterwards because this will slow down your application by a few months.

My final advice is always the same: consider carefully which provider should help you and sometimes it is better to spend a little more money and be followed by those who are experts in the field than not to spend less and risk being stuck.

Federico Violante Lawyer